As a writer and filmmaker, I know the power of story. Storytelling through film is “what we do” here at Jesus Film Project®. Visual storytelling helps share the message of Christ in ways nothing else can. Consider the testimony of Ira for instance…
Ira didn’t know what to say. For more than 50 years, she had searched for answers. The pain, the worry, the difficulties-none of it made sense. And now before her, Ira saw healing and peace and hope as she watched “Magdalena: Released From Shame.” She saw all of it wrapped up in the love of Jesus.
As the Jesus Film®team in Eastern Europe began packing up their equipment, Ira hurriedly made her way to the front of the meeting room.
“Please,” she said, approaching one of the team members. “I have seen this movie you showed today. Can you explain to me the meaning of this life?”
The team member walked her through the Four Spiritual Laws booklet and explained the significance of Christ’s resurrection. At this Ira knew she had found the answers she’d searched for her entire life. She decided to follow Jesus-becoming the first person from her village to do so.
Ira clung to the teaching of Christ and consistently studied the Scriptures. She began inviting women to her home to grow together in their faith and read the Bible. Ira also started planning a “Magdalena”showing at a local social club for all the women in the village.
Ira transformed her simple home into a house of peace, just as God transformed her heart. Eager to share the satisfaction she found in Christ, Ira continues to share this powerful story, praying for her entire village to eventually find truth in Jesus.
God uses film all the time to point people to Himself. Music too. Combining images and music touches us and opens hearts to receive the message of Jesus. As you watch this music video, “This is Freedom,” featuring clips from “Magdalena,” ask God to reveal His great love for you.