Financial Accountability
Ensuring your trust
The ministry takes financial accountability seriously. That’s why Jesus Film Project® and Cru® (Campus Crusade for Christ International®) abide by the standards and management of donations as defined by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)—of whom Cru is a charter member. Learn more >>
The ECFA, established in 1979, provides accreditation to leading Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with established standards for financial accountability, transparency, fundraising and board governance.
To read the CCCI (Cru) letter from the ECFA President, click here now.
What do charity observers say about Jesus Film Project?
Annual reports
You can view our most recent annual report here. A more in-depth and complete budgetary and financial statement, including the latest complete financial report can be viewed here.
The Jesus Film Project has also sought to establish and clarify additional stewardship guidelines, position statements, and terms of service to reinforce the trust of both ministry partners and the general public.

Stewardship Guidelines, position statements and terms of service
Commitment to Donors and Ministry Partners
Christian stewardship is based on biblical truth. Campus Crusade for Christ International embraces those principals of stewardship, realizing that giving is essential for spiritual growth and to the furtherance of the Kingdom. To assure that stewardship merits the respect and trust of the general public and that current and prospective ministry partners can have full confidence in the ministry and causes that they are asked to support, Campus Crusade for Christ International declares that all ministry partners have these rights… Click for more
Commitment to Confidentiality and Security of Donor Information
Campus Crusade for Christ International values and honors the privacy of its financial partners by establishing an environment of trust and safety. Information about our ministry partners and prospective partners, including names and addresses, credit card information, beneficiaries, gifts amounts and estate information, is kept strictly confidential by all authorized Campus Crusade personnel (staff and volunteers), unless permission is obtained in writing from the donor to release such information. Such information shall be recorded and retained only for the private, business use of the organization… Click for more
Guidelines for Fundraising Communications (Ensuring Your Privacy)
- Communication to Outside Mailing and Other Lists
Campus Crusade for Christ International exercises discretion and integrity in truthfully and accurately representing its ministries to prospective financial partners (donors). - Removal from Mailing and Other Lists
The ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International is committed to honoring the partner’s request to no longer receive its direct marketing materials, telephone calls, emails and other communications… Click for more
Position on Gift Designation Reassignment
It is the position of Campus Crusade for Christ International that any donation given by a ministry partner in response to an appeal for a specified project will be used for that purpose. The ministry will begin to put the funds to work on that specified project in a timely manner—normally within twelve months. In the event that the designated project is fully funded, delayed or canceled, the excess funds will be reassigned to a ministry need most closely identifying with the project for which the funds were originally given… Click for more
Liquidation of Non-Cash Donations
As the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International pursues the mandate to help fulfill the Great Commission in this generation, it believes that all available resources should be at work in the furtherance of this goal. Therefore, non-cash donations that it receives will generally be liquidated at the first available opportunity. Gifts of stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other securities will be sold immediately, often within 3 to 5 days. Gifts of real property approved by the Property Gift Committee (see Campus Crusade Property Gift Acceptance Guidelines) will be turned over to appropriate brokers/agents for sale to a qualified buyer… Click for more
Real Property and Insurance Gift Acceptance Guidelines
The ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International gratefully receives many kinds of real property gifts each year. They provide an important source of funds to keep the ministry growing. The following information is important for a prospective real property contributor to be aware of… Click for more
Position on Conflicts of Interest
A conflict of interest can occur when a party at interest stands to benefit personally from his/her relationship with Campus Crusade for Christ International while maintaining a financial relationship with an external vendor or service provider.
A party at interest holds a position of ministry manager, director or higher with Campus Crusade for Christ International or its subsidiaries. Also, a party at interest may be a ministry financial partner (donor)… Click for more
Independent Governing Board and Financial Audits
The Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc. is governed by a Board of Directors which meet at least four times per year. The Board consists of eight members, seven of whom are independent and one of whom is an officer and employee of the organization… Click for more
Invest in reaching a lost world for Christ
Jesus Film Project has set a God-size goal of reaching 5 billion unreached people in the next decade. You are invited to join with other friends like you and hundreds of partner organizations to reach many millions who have yet to come to know the Savior. Discover the many ways you can change lives as you invest with this trustworthy and effective ministry of Jesus Film Project.