Why Give to Support Jesus Film Project?

The Bible tells us that man is lost and eternally separated from God because of sin. But there is an answer: Jesus, His life, His death and His resurrection.

But there are more than 2 billion people who have never heard of Jesus and so they are living in spiritual darkness today. This is because: 

  • They are illiterate and can’t read the Bible; or
  • They reside in restricted or hard-to-reach locations.

So how can people learn about Jesus when they are geographically, culturally and linguistically lacking any access to His Word?

In order for these men, women and children to hear about Jesus and His message of love and forgiveness salvation, we in the church must:

  • Give unreached people the gospel in a manner they can clearly understand and easily access; and
  • Do this with tools that the entire body of Christ can use to help reach the people that God has called them to reach.

God has raised up Jesus Film Project® to fill a unique role in enabling the global body of Christ to go, reach, follow-up and disciple people, and to help plant churches where there are none — the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

“The ‘JESUS’ film is one of the most powerful tools God has given to us to proclaim the gospel today.”

—Dr. Billy Graham

How is Jesus Film Project Doing This?

Based on the Gospel of Luke, the film “JESUS”—the gospel on film—has been translated into more than 2,180 languages and counting. In close partnership with more than 1,800 churches, denominations and mission agencies, the ministry is enabling the good news to reach people in more than 220 nations around the world. 

Whether through direct, in-person film evangelism by teams in the field, through radio and television or online, previously unreached people are finally hearing the gospel in their heart language, and they are responding and experiencing heart and life transformation.

After seeing the “JESUS” film, one woman in India wrote to her son in America, “Jesus speaks Bengali!”

Since 1979, billions of people have heard Jesus’ story worldwide and more than 665 million have made decisions for Christ. In fact, every 60 seconds, 60 people somewhere in the world are deciding to come out of spiritual darkness and to begin a new life with Christ after watching the film.

Witness the powerful moving of God’s Spirit as the Gamo people see “JESUS” for the first time …

It is the power of God’s Word in their heart language that is making a real difference.

Would You Consider Partnering With Us in This Vital Mission?

God is using the ministry of Jesus Film Project and our many partners to reach millions of men, women and children every year, but there are still hundreds of millions who have yet to hear the name of Jesus even once. But they can hear and come to Him, as the Holy Spirit draws them, because of Jesus Film® the media, and the tools and the partners that He has raised up.

 “The ‘JESUS‘ film is the most effective evangelistic tool ever invented.”

—Pastor Rick Warren, author of
“The Purpose Driven Life”

The only thing that is lacking are the funds to continue to reach more unreached people.

You can help reach them with “JESUS.” Will you consider partnering with us in this great task, this global mission? This is our Lord’s Great Commission.

Your gift will help translate “JESUS” and our other related films into new languages, supply tools and equipment, provide workers for the spiritual harvest in the mission fields and take the good news to people through radio, television and the internet.

As you join with us, you will be helping to bring people out of spiritual darkness today and will make an eternal difference in the lives of men, women and children around the world.

You can also give by telephone toll free at 1-800-918-9929, or you can click here to print a response card and send a gift by mail. God bless you for your help. Thank you.

“After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, saying, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”

—Revelation 7:9-10 (NKJV)