Impact the unreached in your city with the gospel
Sharing Jesus in your Community
People from all over the world immigrate to the United States every day. When you couple this with the growing number of U.S. citizens who only have a cursory understanding of the gospel story, you have a fertile mission field right in your hometown.
This is your opportunity to impact the world without ever getting on a plane. It’s as simple as befriending someone and giving them JESUS film resources in their language.

Annual Review 2023
Generous, everyday people like you help fuel the mission to reach everyone, everywhere with the story of Jesus. Read our latest annual review to explore powerful stories of life change and inspiring ministry highlights from 2023. See what the Lord has done, and let’s exalt His name together!
Our mission is to reach everyone, everywhere with the story of Jesus in their own heart language. But we can’t do it without you. Visit our ways to donate page to learn how you can help take the gospel around the world.

Sharing the gospel with children
Study after study has confirmed the importance of sharing the gospel with children. Before a child is 14, their worldview has been significantly shaped. These are the years when they’re making great strides in their spiritual, moral, social, and cognitive growth.
You can make a significant impact in the life of a child with the The Story of Jesus for Children. This resource—available with multiple languages—is a captivating use of the footage from the JESUS film as seen through the eyes of first-century children. The whole dramatic story concludes with a powerful opportunity for children to say “Yes!” to following Jesus.
The Story of Jesus for Children has been used to minister to children in many effective and powerful ways.

Distribute the JESUS film on your own
You can make a meaningful impression in the lives of people around you by simply building relationships and using the JESUS film, Magdalena, and The Story of Jesus for Children DVDs to share history’s most significant story.
The ways you can use these films to share the gospel are only limited by your imagination. They can be given to libraries, assisted living facilities, prisons, or daycares. You can even use them for discussion groups. Pray for creative ways to use these tools to share the gospel.
Contact us for more information.

Share JESUS film Gift Cards
Everyone needs to experience the story of Jesus, and with the JESUS film gift cards they can. Jesus Film Project gift cards have been created to help people access the JESUS, Magdalena and Children’s Jesus film freely online. They’re inexpensively priced so that a ministry, church, home group, etc. can distribute them for FREE.
You can order 100 Gift Cards for as little as $15.99 and begin sharing them today.
To learn about options of cards with covers in languages other than English, email [email protected].

Share JESUS film DVDs
JESUS DVDs have been created with up to 24 languages on each. They’re inexpensively priced so that a ministry, church, home group, etc. can distribute them for FREE.
You can order DVDs for as little as $1 and begin sharing JESUS today.