Jesus speaks

The JESUS film is now available in 2,000 languages. Millions have watched and their hearts have realized, “Jesus speaks my language!”

Aldo’s Story

In 1969, Aldo’s father decided to follow Christ. And when the JESUS film was released in 1979, he began sharing the film with his people, the Mixtec. 

The film hadn’t been translated into the Mixtec language. So using a two-reel projector without any audio on, Aldo’s father would show the film and explain the story himself in Mixtec. 

Today—with the JESUS film now in their language—Aldo, his father and a few others are able to show the film in Mixtec using modern technology. The Mixtec people can hear Jesus speak love and forgiveness in the language of their hearts.

Pray for people like the Mixtec

All around the world, people groups like the Mixtec have little to no access to the gospel message. They are considered among the least-reached with the story of Jesus. And while some have films like JESUS in their language, others do not. Please join us in praying for a few of these countries and their ministry needs.